Clerihews for Haiku Editors
—And Then Some

First published in Prune Juice #24, Spring 2018, on pages 17, 42, 61, and 93. I originally wrote these clerihews in November of 2017. One addition here, for Michael Ketchek, was published in Prune Juice #26, November 2018, page 67. See also “Clerihews for Haiku Editors—Past” and “Clerihews for Haiku Editors—Present.” + +

And Then Some

Melissa Allen

reads by the gallon

all the ku she can find

of any new kind.

Fay Aoyagi

sure isn’t braggy

about implications

in her haiku translations.

Johannes S. H. Bjerg

is not from Luxembourg—

it’s from Denmark he writes

haiku that excites.

Allan Burns

never returns

a good nature ku

as long as it’s true.

Beate Conrad

follows no fad

in publishing some

ku in Chrysanthemum.

Angelee Deodhar

looks wide and far

across the seas

for haibun journeys.

Josh Hockensmith

loves to find the pith

in every haiku poem

—they’re never below ’im.

Michael Ketchek

says what the heck—

and will now correspond

on haiku for Frogpond.

Anatoly Kudryavitsky

always finds that its key

to be objective

in making ku effective.

Bob Lucky

is really plucky—

he’s never doon

with haibun.

Paul MacNeil

loves to conceal

his intuition

in juxtaposition.

Scott Mason

makes his base in

The Heron’s Nest

—it’s the best.

Mike Montreuil

sure isn’t coy

about getting haiku work

into every nook and cirque.

Peter Newton

likes to have fun

taking ku from the herds

for Tinywords.

Nicole Pakan

is more than a fan

of Daily Haiku

she’s an editor too.

Kathe Palka

is like a falcon

soaring online skies

for poems to minimize.

Linda Papanicolaou

will never disavow

good photography

in haiga iconography.

Patrick M. Pilarski

always likes to see

the best haiku poetry

in Edmonton, not Calgary.

Patricia Prime

abrogates rhyme

in her sacred duty

to find haiku beauty.

Kala Ramesh

likes to thresh

through Indian haiku

for you to read through.

Ray Rasmusssen

loves the discussin’

of haibun virtues

that you can choose.

Michael Rehling

isn’t ailing—

he takes senryu

for Failed Haiku.

Philip Rowland

isn’t from Poland—

he’s a Brit in Japan

and a haiku fan.

Brendan Slater’s

an accelerator

of modern haiku—

that’s what he do.

Susumu Takiguchi

likes to get smoochie

with neo-classical ku

to read when you’re blue.

Christine L. Villa

likes to spill a

lot of haiku-o

into video.

Robin White’s

quite alright

editing ku

for Akitsu.

Billie Wilson

stakes her position

on haiku theory

in ways that are cheery.

Sheila Windsor

always begins her

poems with images,

with which she’s a whizz.