Fine Lines

These twenty poems first appeared in “Fine Lines,” a Haiku Canada Sheet published in February of 2019, except for “rattling seedpod,” which is previously unpublished, and the following three poems, which appeared earlier in Haiku Canada Review (10:1, February 2016) as individual poems: “let us go then,” “MRI,” and “garden party.” All poems appear here together in sequence as originally intended. All first written in December of 2015 except for “let us go then” in November of 2015 (which is the first poem that inspired this sequence), and “seeing the world,” written in January of 2019. Bonus points if you can identify the sources or allusions in each poem. You can also view or download the “Fine Lines” PDF on the Trifold Downloads page.

abandoned quarry—

let me count the ways

we argue

                                                                seeing the world

                                                                in a grain of sand

                                                                sea urchin

expired passport—

water, water,


                                                                shall I compare thee

                                                                to a summer’s day?

                                                                street-corner florist

frog legs

on the menu . . .

but I have promises to keep

                                                                let us go then

                                                                you and I—

                                                                divorce pending

chimney fire—

I celebrate myself,

and sing myself

                                                                blood test—

                                                                o captain! my captain!

                                                                our fearful trip is done

whose woods these are

I think I know . . .

doves at dusk

                                                                election night     miles to go before I sleep


do not go gentle

into that good night

                                                                the best minds of my generation

                                                                destroyed by madness . . .

                                                                fresh tattoo

dopplering siren . . .

gather ye rosebuds

while ye may

                                                                garden party—

                                                                I wander lonely

                                                                as a cloud

much have I travelled

in the realms of gold—

fresh corn on the cob

                                                                she walks in beauty

                                                                like the night—

                                                                snow on the peaks

fresh calendar—

I will arise and go now

to Nunavut


                                                                drink to me only

                                                                with thine eyes

social injustice report—

had we but world enough

and time

                                                                rattling seedpod—

                                                                hail to thee

                                                                blithe spirit