1 February 2023

I’ve recently added one of the largest new additions to Graceguts in the last ten years—a page celebrating the history of Woodnotes, a haiku journal I edited from 1989 to 1997. I started this page in December 2022 when I was adding 209 of my reviews from the journal’s pages (see the Reviews page), but vastly expanded its content in January with two new essays about the journal, images for each cover, and subpages for each of the journal’s 31 issues. Each one of these subpages includes overview paragraphs, staff lists, statistics, tables of contents, Woodnotes Award winners, selected poems, cover scans (including contributor indexes), and scans of selected interior pages. Here’s a complete summary of newly added content, in addition to the landing pages for each of the 31 issues:

I hope this content serves as a useful historical record of the journal, which was one of the most influential and prominent haiku journals of the 1990s. As Cor van den Heuvel said, Woodnotes set a new standard for the quality of haiku—and related forms such as tanka, linked verse, and haibun—published in haiku journals. The articles were groundbreaking and the quality of the layouts and artwork were outstanding.” Please explore the Woodnotes page and its many subpages, the preparation of which also spawned the addition of certain other content listed below.

I hope all of these many new additions to Graceguts prove useful or interesting to you, especially the large amount of content relating to Woodnotes. Enjoy! 

Woodnotes Essays

Here, as promised above, is a complete accounting of all 34 essays available on the “Selected Essays and Interviews from Woodnotes page (where you can find the links). They appear here in the order of publication, from 1989 to 1996. Five of these essays had been on the website previously, so 29 are new, and some of these essays are now also listed on the Further Reading page: