A New Book, Two Poems,
and Two Commentaries
Post date: Aug 27, 2021 11:27:27 PM
I’m pleased to announce that my press, Press Here, has just published a new book, Abandoned Farmhouse, by Edward J. Rielly, in a revised and expanded second edition. Read about the book, available from Amazon, under the first “Featured Title” heading on the Press Here page. Meanwhile, two new contributions to the Poems page are “A Miniature Play,” recently published in Pocket Lint, and “Hesitation,” just published in Solitary Plover. In addition, the Commentary page now features “Plum Tree’s Blossom” and “Winter Squall.” The latter poem won an honourable mention in the 2021 Lyles Haiku Award sponsored by The Heron’s Nest, and this commentary also includes a short new postscript I’ve written about the poem’s sounds.