Other sites I run
Captain Haiku (on Letterboxd)
Captain Haiku (on TikTok)
Captain Haiku (on X/Twitter)
Captain Haiku (on Bluesky)
Déjà-ku Diary (WordPress blog)
Michael Dylan Welch Photo Gallery (on Google Photos)
NaHaiWriMo (National Haiku Writing Month, in February)
NaHaiWriMo (on X/Twitter; use #nahaiwrimo hashtag)
Seabeck Haiku Getaway (annual retreat I direct)
SoulFood Poetry Night (monthly poetry reading series I curate)
Tanka Society of America (I founded this organization)
Other sites I ran
Captain Haiku Blog (inactive)
Captain Haiku’s Secret Hideout (archived from 1997; see old site)
Haiku Garden Poetry Readings (inactive)
Haiku North America blog (discontinued)
Michael Dylan Welch Photography (on Wix; site deleted in January 2021 when Adobe discontinued Flash)
Facebook sites I run
(or help run)
(or help run)
NaHaiWriMo (daily haiku writing prompts)
Redmond Poet Laureate (2013–2015)
Seabeck Haiku Getaway (annual retreat I direct)
Selected links
on haiku and tanka
on haiku and tanka
Bibliography of Classical Japanese Literature in Translation (to 1600)
Global Haiku Traditions (Randy Brooks)
Haikai Home (William J. Higginson)
Haiku and Related Journals (portal site for places to publish your haiku)
Haiku (on Wikipedia)
Haiku in English (on Wikipedia)
Haiku International Association (I gave the keynote address for their 2013 conference in Tokyo)
Haiku North America (biennial conference I codirect—coming up in September 2025 in San Francisco)
Haiku Society of America (I’ve been a longtime first vice president)
The Haiku Foundation (I’m a founding associate)
Japan Search (specifying haiku)
Old Pond Comics (learn haiku in a fun way)
Open Library (haiku books online)
Saijiki (season word almanac for haiku composition)
Tanka (on Wikipedia)
Tanka in English (on Wikipedia)
Tanka Society of America (I founded this organization)
TempsLibres (Free Times)
Waka (on Wikipedia)
See also Further Reading and Writing Tools
Other organizations
I’m associated with
I’m associated with
Eastside Writers Association (former vice president; now defunct)
Eastside Writes (board member; I also curated its quarterly poetry/fiction readings; now defunct; see YouTube video channel)
E. E. Cummings Society (contributing editor to its journal Spring) +
First Frost (twice-a-year haiku journal I coedit)
Redmond Association of Spokenword (president; I also curate RASP’s monthly reading series)
Seattle Japanese Garden (poetry consultant, haiku judge)
Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival (volunteer, advisor, instructor, haiku judge)
Washington Poets Association (board member for ten years; now defunct; see Facebook page)
See also Venues, Clients, and Partners.
3Lights (England; online)
Alba (online)
American Haibun & Haiga (now Contemporary Haibun Online)
Another Chicago Magazine (online)
Asahi Haikuist Network (Japan)
Asahi Shimbun (Japan)
Asahi Weekly (Japan)
Atlantic Monthly (online)
Autumn Moon Haiku (online)
The Bamboo Hut (online)
Blithe Spirit (England)
Bloo Outlier Journal (England)
Boema (Romania)
Bones (online)
Canadian Writer’s Journal (Canada)
Carpe Diem Haiku Kai (online)
Cattails (online)
Chrysanthemum (Germany)
Cinquesettecinque (Italy)
Cirrus (Canada)
Colorado Boulevard (Poetry Corner)
Contemporary Haibun Online (formerly American Haibun & Haiga)
Convorbiri Literare (Romania)
Creatrix (Australia)
Cyberwit (India)
Dadakuku (online)
Daily Haiku (Canada)
The Daily Yomiuri (Japan)
Diogen (Bosnia and Herzegovina; online)
Dogwood Blossoms (online)
Drifting Sands Haibun (online) (online)
Enchanted Garden (Romania; online)
Extract(s) (online)
Eye to the Telescope (online)
Failed Haiku (online)
The Far Field (online)
Feasta (Ireland)
Fireflies’ Light (online)
The Footy Almanac (Australia)
Frogpond (Haiku Society of America)
Frozen Butterfly (England; online)
Ginyu (Japan)
Gusts (Tanka Canada) (Canada)
The Haibun Journal (Ireland)
Haibun Today (online)
HaigaOnline (online) [see Wayback Machine for archive]
Haijin’s Magazine / A Revista do Haijin (Brazil; online)
Haiku Canada Review (Canada)
Haiku: Revistă de Interferenţe Culturale Româno-Japoneze (Romania)
Haikuniverse (online)
Haikupedia (online)
Haiku Reality (Serbia; online)
Hedgerow (online)
Heron’s Nest (print and online)
Hojas en la acera: Gaceta trimestral de haiku / Leaves on the Sidewalk: Quarterly Haiku Gazette (Spain)
A Hundred Gourds (Australia; online)
Incense Dreams (online)
Issa’s Untidy Hut (online)
The Journal of the North American Japanese Garden Association
Kokako (New Zealand)
Kontinuum (online)
Kyoto Journal (Japan)
Lá (Ireland)
Lights (Pleasure Boat Studio) (online)
Lynx (print and online editions)
Mainichi (Japan)
The Mamba (Africa Haiku Network)
Matrix (Canada)
Merriam-Webster (online)
Moongarlic (online)
Netslova (Russia)
NHK World Radio (Japan)
Noon (Japan)
Open Window (online book of my haiku and photographs)
Password (online)
The Poetry Department (blog)
Poetry Kanto (Japan)
Poetry Pea (podcast)
Presence (England)
Pulse (online)
Resonance (American Harp Society/Seattle newsletter)
A Revista do Haijin / Haijin’s Magazine (Brazil; online)
Rhyvers (India; online)
Ribbons (Tanka Society of America)
Right Hand Pointing (online)
Roadrunner (online)
Sabotage Reviews (online)
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (online)
Schuylkill Valley Journal (print and online editions)
Scifaikuest (print and online editions)
Seashores (Ireland)
Season by Season (podcast)
Seattle Weekly (print and Voracious blog online)
Shahrgon (Canada, in Persian; online)
Shamrock (Ireland; online)
Simply Haiku (online)
Skylark (England)
Skyward (inflight magazine of Japan Airlines)
Snapshots (England)
The Solitary Daisy (Canada; online)
Sommergras (Germany)
Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society (I’m a contributing editor)
Take 5ive (online)
Taller Igitur (Mexico, online; link may not work)
Tangled Hair (England)
Tinywords (online)
Tsuri-dōrō (online)
Under the Basho (online)
Verse-Virtual (online)
The View from Here (England)
Vines (England; online)
Virginia Quarterly Review (online)
Wales Haiku Journal (Wales; online)
Whiptail (online)
White Enso (online)
The Wise Owl (India; online)
Winnipeg Free Press (Canada)
Wordworks (Canada)
World Haiku Review (England; online)
Writer’s Digest (online) +
Yay Words (online)
The Zen Space (Canada; online) + +
Zoomoozophone Review (online)
Selected additional publications that have published my writing (no links)
Akisame (European Haiku Society) (Italy)
The Alameda Accent
Albatross (Romania)
Aldus Magazine +
Alsop Review
Anglo Files (Denmark)
The Art of Tanka
Bare Bones (England)
BC Harps (Canada)
Befuddled Press
Belmont Enquirer-Bulletin
Black Bough
Boston Haiku Society News
Brisbane Independent
Brussels Sprout
Burlingame Boutique & Villager
The Chimaera
Colma Independent
Daly City Independent
Descant (Canada)
Edge City Review
Ёrshik (Russia)
Euro Poésie (France)
Evergreen (Japan)
Fanzine (Portugal)
Five Lines Down
Foster City Progress
Four and Twenty
Fresh Hot Bread
Gendai Tanka (Japan)
Grey Matter
Haidan (Japan)
Haijinx (used to be online)
Haiku Canada Newsletter (Canada)
Haiku Forum (Japan)
Haiku Headlines
Haiku Ireland (Ireland)
Haikukai (Japan)
Haiku Light (Canada)
Haiku Novine (Croatia)
Haiku Quarterly
Haiku Society of America Newsletter
Haiku Splash
Haiku Svyat (Bulgaria)
Hermitage (Romania)
Hillsborough Boutique & Villager
HPNC Newsletter
HQ (England)
HSA Newsletter
IDG World Update
India-USA Punjabi English Magazine
Inkstone (Canada)
International Tanka (Japan)
Issaquah Press
Italian Haiku Association Newsletter (Italy)
Jizai (Japan)
Kadō (Romania)
Knight Letter
Kō (Japan)
Kumquat Meringue
The Light Box (Peninsula Camera Club)
Line Zero +
Logos Haiku Circle (Japan)
Mainichi Daily News (Japan)
Makoto (European Haiku Society)
Midwest Poetry Review
Mie Times (Japan) +
Millbrae and San Bruno Sun
Modern Haibun and Tanka Prose
Multiverses (was online)
Muttering Thunder
Network Literature (Russia)
New Cicada
New England Letters
Northwest Literary Forum
Notes from the Gean (Scotland; used to be online)
Online Whispers & [Shouts]
Persimmon Tree
The Plover/Chidori (Japan)
Pocket Lint (Canada)
Poetry Nippon (Japan)
Poet’s Market
Point Judith Light
Portlandia Review of Books
Radio Japan (Japan)
Raw Nervz Haiku (Canada)
Red Pagoda
Redwood City Tribune
Redwood Shores Enquirer-Bulletin
Reeds: Contemporary Haiga
Ripples (Haiku Society of America Newsletter)
Rose Mallow Haiku (Japan)
Sammamish Review
San Carlos Enquirer-Bulletin
San Mateo Weekly
Season’s Greetings Letter
Shortcovers (used to be online)
South by Southeast
South San Francisco Independent
Steyer Wire
Still (England)
The Stuttering Priest
Tanka Journal (Japan)
Tanka Splendor
Tidepool (Canada)
Triplopia (used to be online)
TSA Newsletter (Tanka Society of America)
Vrabac/Sparrow (Croatia)
Wah (India)
Western World Haiku Society Newsletter
WinterSpin (Australia)
Yellow Moon
If you know of links for any of the preceding publications, please let me know.