Trifolds here! Get your trifolds here! Once or twice a year I create a new trifold flyer with selections of usually recently published haiku, senryu, tanka, or occasionally rengay. I print 100 to 200 copies of each flyer on specialty paper (it’s a broadside of sorts), usually stamp each copy with my chop (with my name in Japanese), and give out copies at selected readings, workshops, conferences, or other presentations. The following is a list of most of the trifolds I’ve done over the years (I’ve lost track of a few earlier ones, including one-page handouts that were not trifolds). Links indicate that a PDF version of that particular trifold is available online. These links display a separate page where you can view the files or download them to print out for yourself. The following trifolds are listed in chronological order, most recent first. Comments always welcome! See “Why Trifolds Are One of the Best Freebies to Give Away at Haiku Conferences.” +
Photo by Jessica Tremblay.
My Trifolds (in chronological order, most recent first; click links to see the download page)
River Walk (2024; haiku)
Turtles in the Garden (2023; tanka)
Mandolin Summer (2023; haiku)
Dark (2022; haiku)
Light (2022; haiku)
2022 Drevniok Award (2022; haiku contest winners, with my commentary; published by Haiku Canada)
Seaweed in the Sand (2022; tanka)
City Rengay (2021; rengay)
Shadow of My Pen (2021; haiku)
Carousel (2021; haiku)
Knight Moves (2020; haiku)
Learning to Ride (2019; tanka)
Nearing the Sea (2019; haiku)
Nitobe Meditation (2019; tan-renga) +
Fine Lines (2019; haiku sequence; published by Haiku Canada) +
Lull in the Wind (2018; haiku, celebrating 25 years of Haiku Society of America anthologies) +
The Firefly’s Glow (2018; haiku)
Writing Like a Woman (2017; tanka)
Breakfast Alone (2017; haiku)
The Scent of Roses (2016; haiku and tanka) +
Shipping the Oars (2016; haiku)
World with No Corners (2015; tanka) +
A Common Touch (2015; haiku; paper requires special cutting after printing; see photos below)
Sparrow Songs (2015; haiku)
Sound Haiku (2014; haiku)
First Snow (2013; haiku, with Japanese translations) +
Solitary (2013; tanka)
A Hundred Pennies (2013; haiku)
A Dolphin or Two (2012; American Sentences)
Traces of Snow (2012; haiku from National Haiku Writing Month)
Crossing the Room (2011; haiku)
On the Water (2011; haiku by seven organizers of the 2011 Haiku North America conference)
2010 Haiku Invitational Winners (2011, my comments on the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival haiku contest, published by Haiku Canada)
Edge of My Boot (2011; haiku about mostly Pacific Northwest plants and flowers) +
N.B. (2010; neon buddha poems)
Six Rengay (2010, rengay with six other poets; first-prize winners in HPNC rengay contests)
A Haiku Handful (2009; haiku)
Dinner Mints (2008; haiku)
Holiday Haiku (2007; haiku booklet for a glass Christmas ornament containing my haiku)
Sunbreak (2007; haiku)
Neap Tide (2006; haiku; slightly updated in 2013 with new fonts)
Bullseye (2005; haiku)
First Star (2004; haiku; slightly updated in 2013 with new fonts)
First One Birch (2004; haiku from a workshop I taught)
Chairs Askew (2004; haiku; slightly updated in 2013 with new fonts)
Gingerly (2003; visual/concrete poems/haiku, published by pawEpress)
A Hundred Pillows (2003; tanka)
Moving Day (2003; pregnancy/fatherhood haiku) +
Tagged with Ribbons (2002; selections of my prizewinning haiku)
Asilomar (2002; haiku from ten years of Asilomar haiku retreats)
Morning Bird Song (2001, haiku for Robert Spiess on his 80th birthday)
Meteor Shower (2001, haiku)
Skid Marks (2000, tanka)
The Sandpiper’s Song (2000, haiku)
Four Rengay (1999, rengay with Garry Gay; slightly updated in 2019 with new fonts)
Luggage Poems (1999, tanka) +
A Table for One (1999, haiku)
Pop Fly (1998, baseball haiku) +
Thornewood Poems (1998, haiku; published by Haiku Canada) +
Tanned and Healthy (1997, tan-renga) +