More to Graceguts than haiku. The bulk of my poetry publications have been haiku, senryu, tanka, and sequences. My longer or other poems, selections of which are presented here, have appeared in numerous journals, mostly in California and the Pacific Northwest, but also in many other countries (translated into at least twenty-two languages). Additional poems are available through the Books, Collaborations, Haiga, Rengay, and Trifolds pages. I have many more published poems still to add (not even counting haiku, senryu, and tanka), and hundreds of unpublished poems that I should spend more time getting published in various journals.
If you have any comments about these poems, please contact Michael Dylan Welch.
Recent Additions (with dates added)
My Poems in Solitary Plover (13 January 2025)
Five Haiku Masters (limericks) (11 February 2024)
[untitled] (27 January 2024)
The Stuttering Priest (with six poems, 21 February 2023)
Spine Poem (17 November 2022)
Undone (9 September 2022)
windswept snow (9 September 2022)
Wedding Limerick (25 June 2022)
Countin’ Up the Hits (24 May 2022)
Anecdote of a Door (23 December 2021)
Bashō Updates His Facebook Page (23 December 2021)
E. E. Cummings Updates His Facebook Page (23 December 2021)
Gary Snyder’s Earring (23 December 2021)
Pewter (11 December 2021)
Longer Poems
★ = most recommended (start with these poems)
★ An Abundance of Caution (first published here, during the pandemic)
Anagrams of Mass Destruction (first published here)
August Postcard Poetry Fest (30 haiku, tanka, and longer poems)
Countin’ Up the Hits (first published here)
Flower Sprung to Life (first published here)
Gipsy Moth (an old sonnet of mine, first published here)
Nothings that Go Bump in the Night (is this a poem?)
Perpetrated Ambiguity (a very old poem of mine, first published here)
★ Pewter
★ Seventeen Ways of Looking at a Haiku (nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
★ Silver Notes (poems for Seattle’s Olympic Sculpture Park)
★ Snake
★ Undone
Ekphrastic Poems
Durian (for “Double Vision” exhibit)
★ The Scarf (for “Ekphrastic Assimilations” exhibit)
Prose Poems
(see also Haibun)
Anagrams (not a poem)
Top Ten Reasons to Write Poetry (not a poem)
Parodies and Humour
Bashō Updates His Facebook Page
Clerihews for Haiku Editors—Past (22 poems)
Clerihews for Haiku Editors—Present (23 poems)
Clerihews for Haiku Editors—And Then Some (29 poems)
Cuter Gags (first published here)
Do You Want to Write a Haiku? (first published here)
E. E. Cummings Updates His Facebook Page
Five Haiku Masters (first published here)
The Fourteen Days of Valentine’s (first published here)
Frequently Asked Questions (is this a poem?)
Ode to Physics (first published here)
On the Worst Day of Christmas, My Ex-Love Gave to Me (first published here)
Thomas and Sarah’s Twelve Days of Christmas (first published here)
Twelve Days of Christmas Pokémon (first published here)
The Twelve Musical Days of Christmas (first published here)
Wedding Limerick (first published here)
When You Wish Upon a Starbucks (first published here)
Stick Poems
Visual/Experimental/Performance Poems
[untitled; for September 11] (first publication here) +
Shake the Shaker Till We All Lie Down (with photos)
Other Poems
The Stuttering Priest (youthful indiscretions; selections first published here)
Ninety-Seven Poems (youthful indiscretions; selections first published here)
Gypsy Moth (a sonnet)
Psychedelic Dream (nonsense poem)
The American Dream (nonsense poem)