Poems by Others

So many poems, so little time. Hey, that would make a great T-shirt slogan! Here are a few favourite poems written by other poets. I have printouts of most of these poems in my poetry reading binder, and enjoy reciting them at my poetry readings, or when I’m emcee (such as with SoulFood Poetry Night and the Redmond Association of Spokenword, both of which I run). I believe it’s always good to read poems by other poets whenever I give or run a reading, and these are among the poems I like to share the most, sometimes for seasonal or topical relevance. See also Poems About Haiku, also mostly by other poets. You can also read selections of my own haiku and senryu as well as longer poems, collaborations, sequences, tanka, and rengay. Enjoy!

Selected Favourite Poems

For Fun and Edification