Lagniappes are extra or unexpected gifts. On selected pages throughout this site are clickable plus signs (+). Each link leads to a poetry-related photo, a prizewinning poem of mine, or some other surprise, oddity, or miscellaneous whatnot. As the poet Charles Wright once wrote, “someone has to speak up for the quiddity of the whatnot.” If any plus signs happen to appear in an essay or review, however, they won’t lead to any Easter eggs. Mostly not, anyway. Many of these whatnots open up in a new window, so when you’re done just close the window to return to where you were in the previous window. How many whatnots can you find?
The poetry pole in Yakima, Washington, at the home of Jim Bodeen, former publisher of Blue Begonia Press, where you used to be able to add poems to their online poetry pole.
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