Graceguts News

Read about recent site additions or other news or featured pages here. The most recent posting appears in its entirety here, with earlier items listed under “2023 News” and 2022 News” by date, most recent first, linking to subpages for each posting. To see an archive of past updates, from October of 2011 until August of 2021, please visit Blogistics.

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1 February 2025

The Digressions page is one of my favourite on Graceguts, and I’ve recently given it extra attention. It has lots of fun and sometimes random stuff, in poetry, family, and other categories, and I encourage you to explore it. The following are all my updates to Graceguts in January 2025, with a lot of emphasis on digressions. Because who doesn’t love a good digression? But I digress.


long winter—

the phone calls

that no longer come


hotel reception—

we lean in to hear

his signature haiku


Thank you for reading this far. Now check out all the links—there’s a lot to explore. Maybe start with Digressions!