A Surfeit of Surfings
Post date: May 10, 2018 7:10:33 AM
A miscellany of recent site additions for your web-surfing pleasure:
On the Rengay page, read “Salad Days,” a rengay I wrote in 2010 with five other poets, just published in Prune Juice.
On the Haibun page, check out “The Logical Toilet,” also from Prune Juice.
On the Interviews page, look for “Two Tanka,” with brief commentary by Jane Wilson.
On “Buson or Shiki: The True Authorship of the ‘Two Autumns’ Poem” (also available through the Essays page), scroll to the bottom to read a new postscript.
Also on the Essays, page take a look at “Sparks: Haiku Writing Exercise #3,” which recently appeared in Pebbles.
And on the Appearances page, I’ve also added various new events coming up soon.
In addition, please visit my Deja-ku Diary blog, where I’ve added two new postscripts (dated 29 April and 6 May 2018) to my “‘Haikus are Easy’ . . . To Plagiarize” essay. There, all of these distractions should keep you surfing for a while.