What’s in Store for 2017
Post date: Jan 02, 2017 6:56:57 AM
Happy new year! The beginning of a new trip around the sun is as good a time as any to think about future plans. I have many ideas for Graceguts. Some of them will take a lot of work, so we’ll see how many of them I can get to in 2017. In addition to posting all my usual new essays, reviews, rengay, individual poems, and miscellaneous items as they are published, here are five of the biggest new possibilities:
Revamp both the Books and Press Here pages to provide more detail about each book, including cover images, and especially ordering information, including PayPal buttons.
Add an extensive new section focusing on my old poetry journal, Woodnotes, with cover images and descriptions of each of its 31 issues [this never happened until 2023]. I have back issues available, so I hope to add PayPal buttons here too.
Close my Tundra website after moving all of its content to Graceguts. I have back issues available here too.
Redo all of the photo album links. When Google purchased Picasa, it moved all the images I had on Picasa to Google Photos. All the album links still work, apparently, but I need to check each link to make sure, and I’d still like to update them all to the new locations. I could also add more photo albums.
Add a new “Guitargasm” page featuring favourite guitar solos (don’t get me started!), complete with commentary and annotated SoundCloud audio samples and everything. Try THIS for starters.
And throughout the site I can always add tweaks, update links, or reorganize the structure. Suggestions welcome, and if you ever spot a broken link or other oddity, I’d be grateful to know. We’ll see what the rest of this year brings, and I hope it will be very rewarding for you, filled with much poetic inspiration.