Autumn Encampment: Half-Kasen Renku

First published in Geppo (need to confirm the issue), 2000. The following is a half-kasen renku written at the Yuki Teikei Haiku Retreat at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, on September 11, 1999. Kiyoko Tokutomi served as renku master.

the salty sea air

greets a party of horsemen—

autumn encampment Jean Hale


            moon drifting through pines

            whiter as it climbs higher Anne Homan


mushroom gatherers

bent in a circle—

I strum my guitar Michael Dylan Welch


            rechecking his scribbled notes

            paper clip flashes earthward Roger Abe


an old rattan chair

and a glass of iced tea—

she puts her feet up June Hymas/Linda Hess


            the television rambling

            about a sunburn remedy Jerry Ball




an ambulance

races by with lights flashing—

my heart falters Bill Peckham


            unorthodox CPR

            Resusci-Annie on top! Roger


trail of clothes . . .

the safari lovers

in a hundred curves James Ferris


            archeological find

            the Pre-Columbian with strange tools Roger


high-rise apartments

with poorly reinforced concrete—

who’s to blame? Anne


            in a Van Gogh painting

            table with uneven legs Fumio Ogoshi


my tired mind goes blank

staring through the open door

at the winter moon Martha Dahlen


            the wild ducks

            fill the empty field Linda Hess


blessed by St. Francis

the Pirate and his dogs

together snoring Roger


            bull market

            each daughter asks for pearls James


she grabs my camera

to take my picture near

the cherry blossoms June Hymas


            unencumbered by barbed wire

            the soaring Painted Ladies Patricia J. Machmiller