Lost Summer
Prose first published in Susurrus: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society Members’ Anthology 2021, San Jose, California: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, 2021, page 73. Poem added in August of 2023.
What began as a lost summer turned into what felt like a lost year, a pause on normality. But haiku blossom out of just such pauses, renewals arising from sabbaticals. The pandemic’s silver lining was worldwide Zoom meetings, and I enjoyed regular and occasional haiku meetings in places such as Melbourne, Perth, London, Hyderabad, Calgary, Waukesha, Hot Springs, Tokyo, New Jersey, and up and down the west coast of the United States. My paper and PowerPoint presentation on the haiku virtue of “Going Nowhere,” written before the pandemic, inspired many haiku poets, and I was pleased to share it widely.
dry spell—
the weeds and flowers
still growing