Free Thinking

The following content is recreated, based on its original appearance on HaigaOnline [link no longer works] in the summer of 2015. The website ended in 2022, but you can see an archive of the entry portal to my “Free Thinking” photo-haiga on the Wayback Machine. The images here are probably in a different order from how they originally appeared in HaigaOnline.

Free Thinking



neon buddha

the neon buddha

knows all the notes

breakup song

the way home

lost in the clouds

neon buddha

they're coming

to take him away

neon buddha

from here

to paternity

neon buddha

taking steps

to free thinking

neon buddha

no longer an understudy the neon buddha


on the wings of nothing

neon buddha

taking a seat

in forever

neon buddha

still learning to ride the neon buddha