Things with Wings

The following poems, originally written in March and April 2012, were first published on 23 June 2012 in Things with Wings, a free online book in PDF format published by Yay Words, edited by Aubrie Cox.

the neon buddha

loses focus

on photography

marked by drips

from her ice cream

the way home

tsunami anniversary—

a thousand cranes

still to be folded

speed dating—

she asks me

about her breath

pelting rain . . .

the dormouse

finding shelter

wishing well—

my wish to give you

a hundred pennies

birth announcement . . .

a plum petal falls

into my open palm

the scent of snow . . .

a forever stamp

on your breakup letter

green flash—

if I fell in love,

would you catch me? +

narcissus in bloom . . .

the gumshoe tells me

I’ve been framed

family trip . . .

no wish

for reincarnation

snails have eaten her roses

thanks again

to my procrastination

summer’s end . . .

unfinished books

in a pile for the library

summer starlight . . .

the featured poet

alone with her stack of books