Stopping by Wakan’s on a Sunny Day

by Winona Baker

What this island’s called I think I know,

Gabriola Isle’s near Nanaimo;

And you’ll see haijin stopping here

To meet, greet, eat, and say hello.

And other folk must think us queer

To come to Drumbeg once a year

To talk about and write haiku

The warmest season of the year.

Some wise folk give their heads a shake

To ask if there’s been some mistake

Why take a walk then write haiku

It’s not a thing that wise ones do.

The path to sea’s not dark or deep

Perhaps on it haiku I’ll reap.

I’ve a walk to take before I eat,

I’ve a walk to take before I eat.

Previously unpublished. Written for the 2011 Gabriola Haiku Weekend at Naomi Beth Wakan’s Drumbeg House on Gabriola Island in British Columbia. + +