Three Poems

by Andrea Zanzotto

Haiku of an unforeseen daybreak

maybe mine—maybe drawls

or mini-noises of other universes


Careless mini-dreamings blossom

or awakenings blossom

haiku at daybreak, pappi vainly pursued


Joy of July, source of all joys

in the shape of haiku or, maybe, other poems—

sweetly, palely in nature

sleeps the writing

Haiku di un’alba inattesa

forse mia—forse cenni

o sussurri di altri universi


Svagati sognolii sbocciano

o risvegli sbocciano

haiku all’alba, pappi invano inseguiti


Gioia del luglio, fonte di ogni gioia

in forma di haiku o, forse, poemi—

dolcemente, pallidamente nella natura

dorme la scrittura

From Haiku for a Season / Haiku per una stagione, edited by Anna Secco and Patrick Barron, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012, pages 56 and 86. The English and Italian versions, which the author refers to as “pseudo-haiku” (the English came first), are both by Andrea Zanzotto. See the book launch video from Toronto.