The American Dream

Obfuscatious palpitations

Maggie takes her bow

Uncontagious litigations

Nixon milks his cow.

Unpredicted tabulations

Granny bakes a cake

Predicated League of Nations

Watt preserves a lake.

Unassuming mental discord

Thatcher roofs her house

Supersonic crashing concorde

Reagan loves a louse.

Misaligned administration

Porter kills a bird

Faulty urban transportation

Now Van Gogh has heard.

The revolution unrestrained

Trudeau tells a joke

My gambrel roof is weathervaned

Father pops the yolk.

Falsely read encephalogram

Bill breaks a bone

Just received a telegram

I want to be alone.

Unrequited requisition

Dali paints a line

Unmolested superstition

Bleeding endocrine.

Regulations contravened

Bailiff sent to jail

No policeman intervened

The baker’s bread is stale.

Uncontrolled capitulation

Nancy skins her knee

Unrestricted immigration

Where’s the maitre d’?

Sympathetic recognition

Webster’s face turns green

Unsynthetic mitigation

De Stihl, he paints a scene.

Universal recreation

Begin builds a bomb

Reagan lacks communication

Needs a Vietnam.

Psychopathic syncopation

Moonies beat a drum

Tomb-enshrining occupation

Ghandi snubs a slum.

Undestroyed reprehension

Orwell’s book I read

Fundamental comprehension

J.F.K. is dead.

Germicidal reservation

Miss Monroe was nude

Suicidal habitation

Tanker spills her crude.

Incongruous invitation

Lady’s broken hip

Unsuspicious metrication

For a Freudian slip.

Americana profligation

Presidential seal

Pollyanna imitation

Everything is real.

From Ninety-Seven Poems, but otherwise previously unpublished.