Brocade of Leaves
Brocade of Leaves: 2003 Haiku North America Conference Anthology
Michael Dylan Welch and Yu Chang, editors
Features 85 haiku and senryu by participants in the 2003 Haiku North America conference, held June 26–29, 2003, at the Dalton School in New York City. +
brocade of leaves
a monk sweeps a path
for the guests
Pamela A. Babusci
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2003, saddle-stapled, 32 pages, 5½ x 8½ inches, ISBN 1-878798-27-8
“A brocade is a rich silk fabric, often Oriental, with gold and silver patterns. In this book, we are presented with a vibrant brocade of voices, haiku and senryu serving as the gold and silver. These poems spring not just from the Orient, where haiku began, but from poetry weavers across the United States and Canada, as well as other countries. And this brocade is not just a brocade of silk, but a brocade of leaves, reminding us that nature is central to haiku poetry.”
—from the back cover