Northern Lights

Northern Lights: 1995 Haiku North America Anthology

Michael Dylan Welch, editor

Presents 51 haiku and senryu by 29 attendees of the 1995 Haiku North America conference, held July 13–15 at Ryerson Polytechnic in Toronto, Ontario, the first time the conference was held in Canada. Unique to this HNA anthology is the division of poems into two sections, Northern Lights” featuring haiku, and “Northern Lights featuring senryu, at least mostly.

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1995, saddle-stapled, 24 pages, 5½ x 8½ inches, ISBN 978-1-878798-18-9

  • “Whether you are the lone haiku voice in an isolated town, or one of many talented poets in a single city enjoying much camaraderie, haiku is its own reward.” —from the introduction