Tracing the Fern

Tracing the Fern: 2005 Haiku North America Anthology

Michael Dylan Welch and Billie Wilson, editors

Tracing the Fern collects 122 haiku and senryu by 61 poets who were among those attending the 2005 Haiku North America conference held September 21 to 25 at Fort Worden Conference Center in Port Townsend, Washington. The conference theme was “authenticity,” and the book’s introduction discusses questions of authenticity in haiku and how “the carefully chosen words of a memorable haiku are often like tracings of nature—so real that the reader is compelled to participate in the experience that inspired or informed the poem.”

after love

she traces the ferns

in the window’s frost

Penny Harter

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2005, saddle-stapled, 40 pages, 5½ x 8½ inches, ISBN 978-1-878798-28-6

Group photo from the 2005 Haiku North America conference at Fort Worden Conference Center in Port Townsend, Washington (near Seattle).