A Patch of Wildflowers
First published in Woodnotes #23, Winter 1994, page 50.
A Patch of Wildflowers: An Anthology of Haiku by Members of the Western World Haiku Society edited by Lorraine E. Harr. Western World Haiku Society, 1994, 20 pages, paperback, 5 by 7 inches. $6.00 postpaid from Wilma Erwin at 6123 N. Commercial Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97217 [address no longer correct]. Contains 52 poems by 18 poets, mostly from the Portland, Oregon area. Two choice selections, first by Wilma M. Erwin, then the title poem by Ce Rosenow:
old covered bridge
a sliver of moon
between the slats
summer dusk;
from a patch of wildflowers
cicada sound