Bluegrey and Darkness & Light
First published in Woodnotes #29, Summer 1996, page 51.
Bluegrey and Darkness & Light by Martin Lucas. Both books published by Hub Editions, 1994 and 1996, 68 and 76 pages, paperback, 4¼ by 6 inches. £4.00 or $7.00 each (in U.S. bills; no checks) postpaid from the author at 188 Langthorne Road, London E11 4HS, England [address no longer correct]. This pair of books serves as a tremendous introduction to this British poet. Bluegrey offers 121 haiku usually at two per page, and Darkness & Light shares 93 haiku, 10 tanka, three sequences, and a cinquain. A sample poem from each rewarding book:
sweeping the path . . .
a snail rolls
along with the leaves
shed roof:
a cat asleep
among windfall apples