Dreams Wander

First published in Woodnotes #23, Winter 1994, page 55.

Dreams Wander: Haiku Society of America 1994 Members’ Anthology edited by Nina A. Wicker, Peggy Willis Lyles, and Kenneth C. Leibman. Haiku Society of America, Inc., 1994, 52 pages, paperback, 5½ by 8½ inches. $7.00 postpaid from Kenneth C. Leibman, P.O. Box 767, Archer, Florida 32618 [address no longer correct]. The second HSA members’ anthology, containing 144 haiku and senryu by as many poets (one more than 1993!). Two selections, by Carlos Colón and then Ebba Story:


calm evening—

skipping a stone

across the moon


opening the letter—

his backyard oxalis

blooms in my hand