Fig Newtons: Senryu to Go
Book listing first published in Woodnotes #18, Autumn 1993, page 31. See Press Here book page, and read the book’s introduction.
Fig Newtons: Senryu to Go by Laura Bell, Garry Gay, Christopher Herold, vincent tripi, Michael Dylan Welch, and Paul O. Williams. Edited and introduced by Michael Dylan Welch. Press Here, 1993, 32 pages, paperback 5½ by 8½ inches. $6.00 plus $1.00 postage from Michael D. Welch, Press Here, P.O. Box 4014, Foster City, California, 94404 [address no longer correct]. A collection of 111 humorous senryu by six Bay Area poets. A reading to commemorate this book with be held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 23, 1993 at the Strybing Arboretum in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. Be sure to come—senryu are real crowd-pleasers!