Full of Moonlight: Haiku Society
of America 2016 Members’ Anthology
First published in the “Briefly Reviewed” section of Frogpond 40:1, Winter 2017, pages 106–107. +
Full of Moonlight: Haiku Society of America 2016 Members’ Anthology, edited by David Grayson (2016, Haiku Society of America, New York). 150 pages, 5½ ×8¼ inches, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-930172-15-9. $10.00 from 2016.hsa.anthology@gmail.com and on Amazon.
The 2016 edition of the HSA members’ anthology presents 378 haiku at three per page, interspersed with three moon photos by Garry Gay, who also provided the moody cover image. This year’s anthology had no theme, but a standout feature is the editor’s introduction that points out the variety and types of haiku produced by the society’s members as a snapshot of where haiku is today, making note of shasei, nature poems, empathy, senryu, one-liners, two-liners, and even whiskey poems. All poems are arranged alphabetically by last name, which results in many serendipitous pairings of poems, as the intro notes, but it also makes the index at the end (which lacks page references) unnecessary. Here’s the editor’s poem: “mixing red and yellow paint / my son discovers / fire.” And here’s the title poem, by Christopher Herold: “no more wishes / all the dandelion globes / full of moonlight.”