The Haiku Poetry of Alexis Rotella
The Haiku Poetry of Alexis Rotella by Alexis Rotella. Terra Infirma, 1993, cassette. $6.50 from Terra Infirma, P.O. Box 18858, Denver, Colorado, 80218 [address no longer correct]. This fourteen-minute recording of a selection of Alexis Rotella’s haiku and senryu is indeed a wonderful treat. While Alexis herself does not read on the tape, the results are a professionally produced smorgasbord of fine poems. Seven male and female voices blend with music and sound effects. For anyone wishing to share haiku in classes or with friends, this cassette makes an excellent introduction. While the tape is short, the production quality is excellent, and you will not be disappointed. You will recognize many of Alexis’ finest haiku here, some of them given a fresh twist by the layers of voices and inventive music. Must be heard!