So Much Rain

by Ida Freilinger, Michael Dylan Welch, Dianne Garcia, and Amelia Fielden

First published in Ribbons 9:2, Fall 2013, page 53. Also published in Amelia Fielden’s book, Conversations in Tanka (Port Adelaide, Australia: Ginninderra Press, 2014). Written 10 April 2013 at the Lake Forest Park Library in Lake Forest Park, Washington, on the theme of relationships. See also “Fine Dining.”

grown children

with busy lives


their dying father—

who gets the queen bed Ida Freilinger

old enough now

to refuse my hugs,

my daughter tells me

that she still loves me

that she always will Michael Dylan Welch +

your text message

saying he’s moved out

no forwarding address—

this morning’s paper

still unread Dianne Garcia

I shelter the boy

under my umbrella

holding his hand—

so much rain ahead of him

after I’m gone Amelia Fielden