Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival
Haiku Banners
The following translations were provided for a set of haiku banners installed at the Sakura Days Japan Fair as part of the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival in April of 2011. White banners featured English-language haiku, and blue banners featured our Japanese translations, with poems selected from various VCBF Haiku Invitational contests. These banners were designed by Jane Durante and installed at VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver, British Columbia. Photographs taken on the weekend of April 2 and 3, 2011. The opening paragraph is from the installation poster, which is also shown below. See links to three installation photo albums at the bottom. + + +
Translated by Emiko Miyashita and Michael Dylan Welch
A Taste of Haiku
Haiku are short poems that capture an intuitive moment of perception. As Henry Miller once wrote, “Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.” Ingredients of a traditional haiku include a season word, cutting word (creating two parts), and objective sensory imagery. Haiku in Japanese are 5-7-5 sounds (not syllables), and the equivalent in English is about 10 to 14 syllables. The word “haiku” itself is two syllables but counts as three sounds in Japanese, so writing 17 syllables in English is usually too long. The most important aspect of haiku is to imply emotion without stating it.
Banner Haiku
2007 Best Youth Haiku
glistening on
the field’s dew
cherry blossom light
Candis Rooker (age 15)
Vermilion, Ohio
kirakirato kusatsuyu ni hae hanaakari
キャンディス・ルッカー (志学)
2008 Best Canadian Haiku
a winter blizzard
I turn my calendar
to cherry blossoms
Marilyn Potter
Toronto, Ontario
mōfubuki sakura e mekuru karendā
2010 Best United States Haiku
a sudden hush
among the children
cherry blossom rain
Melissa Spurr
Joshua Tree, California
totsuzen no kora no chinmoku hanafubuki
ジョシュア ツリー、カリフォルニア
2010 Best International Haiku
cherry trees in bloom—
if only I could stop
the wind
Lucas Garczewski
Poznan, Poland
hana no ki ya kaze tomerukoto kanaunara
2009 Sakura Award
cherry blossoms
no need to decorate
the birthday cake
Katrina Shepherd
Dunblane, Scotland
sakurabana kazari wa iranu tanjōka
Haiku Installation Poster
The following poster introduces the haiku banner installation at VanDusen Botanical Garden, including banner locations and overview information. English-language haiku appear on white banners, with Japanese translations on blue banners.
Banner Photographs
Michael Dylan Welch and Jane Durante
The VCBF haiku stone at VanDusen
Installation Photographs
View the following photo albums to see more of the VCBF haiku banners:
See also Vancouver Haiku Stone