Trifold Downloads
You are welcome to view or download and print any of the following files for your personal use only, each one usually presenting a selection of my haiku, occasionally tanka or rengay. A PDF file reader is required to view these files (you can download the free reader from Adobe if needed). See the Trifolds page for a chronological listing. One reward of giving out these trifolds is knowing who I give them to, so if you view or print any of these PDF files, please email me to let me know. Thank you. Comments always welcome!
These files are designed to print on 8.5 x 11-inch paper (letter size), not A4 or other sizes. One exception is the “Six Rengay” file, which is designed for 8.5 x 14-inch paper (legal size). Also note that “A Common Touch” requires special paper cutting to look as intended. When originally printed, these trifolds also used specialty papers, often with colours and textures, to enhance their appearance. I also applied my chop (my name in Japanese) as a red stamp on the front of each trifold.