Tundra #2 Contents
The following poems and other features appear in Tundra #2, published in 2001. You can also view an alphabetical list of all contributors to the issue. Links lead to selected poems or other content. All content is copyright of each contributor, and may not be reused without the contributor’s permission.
Welcome The Editor
Article Plain Speaking: The Poetry of Ted Kooser
Lee Gurga
Featured Poet Ted Kooser
Article The Closed Door: A Correspondence on Haiku
Michael Dylan Welch
A Correspondence on Haiku
Cor van den Heuvel and Robert Bly
Cor van den Heuvel, Zoran Doderovic, A. C. Missias, Michael McClintock, Sam Kampschmidt, Nikhil Nath, Barry Spacks, Giovanni Malito, Jack Foley, Robert Gilliland, Gary Hotham, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Ronald F. Smits, Dave Russo, Yu Chang, Jim Kacian, Fumio Ogoshi, Steve Sanfield, chris gordon, Phillip Rowland, Joshua Trotter, Paul O. Williams, Dale Pendell, Michael McClintock, Lee Gurga, Robert Boldman, David Cobb, Elizabeth St Jacques, Edward J. Rielly, Patrick Sweeney, W. F. Owen, Robert Spiess, Penny Harter, Robert Spiess, Mary Lou Taylor, Jerry Kilbride
Translations Contemporary Japanese Haiku: Akito Arima
Emiko Miyashita and Lee Gurga, translators
Two Poems by Luxorius
Art Beck, translator
Francisco X. Alarcón, Anthony Russell White, Ruth Daigon, Edward J. Rielly, Pariksith Singh, Robert Boldman, John Stevenson, John Owen, Joy Harold Helsing, Robert Sward, Marjorie Buettner, LeRoy Gorman, Daniel P. Fusch, Diane di Prima, Thomas R. Smith, Ronald F. Smits, Tricia Cherin, Lenard D. Moore, Frederick Smock, Claudette Bass, LeRoy Gorman, John S. O’Connor, Carolyne Rohrig, Ronald F. Smits, R. Yurman
There Was a Young Girl from Verona
Max Gutmann
John Gribble, Jim Standish, Tom Clausen, Claire E. Hughes, S. M. Gray, Matt Morden, Dale Pendell, William M. Ramsey, R. A. Stefanac, Charles H. Easter, Samuel Menashe, Ken Waldman, Sandra Fuhringer, Robert H. Deluty, Carlos W. Colón, Lee Gurga, George Swede, Charles Trumbull, Tom Clausen, David Cobb, Diane di Prima, Samuel Menashe, Art Beck, chris gordon, Stefanie Marlis, Paul O. Williams, Susan Terris, Pat Pittman, C. Matthew Tusa, Dessa Crawford, Leonardo Alishan, Renée Gregorio, David Jordan, Penny Harter, Yvonne Hardenbrook, Alan Pizzarelli, Penny Harter, Ronan, Carolyn Thomas, Yvonne Hardenbrook, Catherine Mair, Giovanni Malito, Sandra Fuhringer, Leza Lowitz
Haibun Noah’s Ark
Michael McClintock
H. L. Hix, Gerald Locklin, Rich Krivcher, Jonathan Greene, Samuel Menashe, Thomas R. Smith, Bruce Williams, Karen Senne Wallace, Cathy Drinkwater Better, Michael McClintock, Pamela Miller Ness, Elizabeth Oakley, Charles H. Easter, Miriam Sagan, Gary Hotham, Ernest J. Berry, Gary Hotham, Ford W. Chambliss, Robert Kusch, Charles Rossiter, William M. Ramsey, Tom Lynch, Eric L. Houck Jr., Alan Pizzarelli, Virginia Brady Young, Lee Gurga, Ruth Holter, Gary Hotham, Linda Lindsay Scott, Penelope Greenwell, Mike Spikes, Burnell Lippy, Nikhil Nath, Leza Lowitz, John Barlow, Martin Lucas, Joan Baranow, Marjorie Buettner, Kristina Van Sant, Heath Davis Havlick, Glenn McKee, Frederick Smock, Garry Gay, Mark Brooks, Josh Filan, Bruce Knecht, Mark W. Blottenberger, Charles Rossiter, Richard William Pearce, Jon Corelis, Tom Dow, Harvey Ellis, Joy Harold Helsing, David Elliott, Zoran Doderovic, chris gordon, Ion Codrescu, Emiko Miyashita, Evelyn Lang, Yu Chang, Paul M., Barry Spacks, Randy M. Brooks, John Stevenson, Jim Kacian, S. R. Spanyer, Randal Johnson, Dana Gioia, Paul M., Mike Tuggle, Sandra Fuhringer, Leatrice Lifshitz, Richard Rosenberg, Pamela Connor, Ruth Yarrow
Reviews Robert Bly’s Morning Poems: A Book Review
Charles Rossiter
The World of Haiku: A Review of Three Books
Cor van den Heuvel
Books Selected Books Received
Journals Selected Journals Received
Last Laugh Four Double Dactyls
Max Gutmann