Haiku Friends
Post date: Jul 27, 2020 6:8:35 AM
In 2007 and 2009 I had haiku included in two Japanese anthologies, Haiku Friends, Volume 2 and Haiku Friends, Volume 3 (I missed out on the first volume in 2003). All three books were generously edited, produced, and distributed, with all costs covered, by Masaharu Hirata. Newly added to the Haiku and Senryu page are all my poems from these two anthologies, eleven from each book. The third volume features all but three poems in a sequence titled “Into a Roiling Sea,” those omitted poems having been published separately in Modern Haiku. In both volumes, I offered a short comment on haiku and the value of sharing haiku among friends, which I include with each set of poems and also offer separately through the Essays page at “Haiku Friends Commentary.”