Haiku Greeting Cards
Minuteman Press, Redmond, Washington, 2014. Set of six greeting cards.
In 2014, for the “Moonshine Series” public art project in the downtown historic core of Redmond, Washington, Jacqueline Calladine and I produced a set of “Twelve Weathergrams.” From these twelve collaborations, we selected six to make into a set of greeting cards, shown here (at low resolution). If you are interested in purchasing a set, please contact Michael Dylan Welch.
meteor shower . . .
a gentle wave
wets our sandals
shore pines
creak in the wind—
your offshore love
scattered petals . . .
the thud of my books
in the book drop
a crab apple
from the highest branch
rattles down the rain spout
Japanese barberry
for dinner
you suggest sushi
a sweet gum tree
tips toward the pond—
distant thunder
(back of cards)