Haiku in Chinese

The following haiku were translated into Simplified Chinese by Yiwei Huang in July and August of 2012, and appeared as part of the essays (also translated) “Becoming a Haiku Poet” and “Haiku and the Japanese Garden.” My grateful thanks for these translations. The first poem also appears in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, translated by Chen-ou Liu on his blog. +

spring breeze— 春的微风—

the pull of her hand 她的手轻抚着

as we near the pet store 宠物店旁的我们

meteor shower . . . 流星雨 . . .

a gentle wave 轻轻的浪花

wets our sandals 打湿了你我的鞋尖 +

mountain morning— 大山的清晨—

all over the red berry bush 红浆果灌木丛上

snow in tiny heaps 满是小小的雪堆

clicking off the late movie . . . 按下了午夜电影的开关 . . .

the couch cushion 沙发垫子

reinflates 又膨胀了起来

winter wind— 冬日寒风—

kite string tangled 风筝线缠绕在

in the garden trellis 花园的栏栅上

tulip festival— 郁金香节—

the colours of all the cars 停车场里的汽车

in the parking lot 五彩斑斓

an old woolen sweater 一条旧毛衣

taken yarn by yarn 一丝一丝的

from the snowbank 从雪堆里拽出

morning chill— 清晨严寒—

the bag of marbles 一袋子大理石

shifts on the shelf 书架上撞击着

home for Christmas: 圣诞节回家:

my childhood desk drawer 我儿时的抽屉里

empty 空了

warm winter evening— 傍晚的暖冬—

the chairs askew 歪歪的椅子

after the poetry reading 诗歌朗诵结束了

evening news— 晚間報道—

the skies of Oman 阿曼國上空

we cannot see 已經無可視