Mann Library Daily Haiku

Poems from the month of May 2016, as featured poet at the Mann Library haiku page at Cornell University. My thanks to Tom Clausen for his serendipitous selections and sequencing of the following poems, all previously published.

May 1 spring sun—

at the top of the roller coaster

she says yes

May 2 tulip festival—

the colours of all the cars

in the parking lot

May 3 reading in bed

my pulse flickering

the lightly held bookmark

May 4 morning bird song— +

my paddle slips

into its reflection

May 5 landing swallow—

the ship’s chain

dips slightly

May 6 spring breeze—

the pull of her hand

as we near the pet store

May 7 morning sun

a patch of frost

in the holstein’s shadow

May 8 mountain spring—

in my cupped hand

pine needles

May 9 meteor shower . . .

a gentle wave

wets our sandals +

May 10 after-dinner mints

passed around the table

. . . slow-falling snow

May 11 fresh snow on the mat—

the shape of welcome

still visible

May 12 crackling beach fire—

we hum in place of words

we can’t recall

May 13 empty silo—

spring wind pops the metal

in and out

May 14 summer moonlight

the potter’s wheel


May 15 pulsing

in the wiper’s blade

the bee’s abdomen

May 16 spring cleaning—

dirt in the grooves

of the five iron

May 17 you squeeze my hand . . .

how still the sky

after fireworks

May 18 toll booth lit for Christmas—

from my hand to hers

warm change

May 19 under the umbrella

stormy face

May 20 taking invisible tickets

at the foot of the basement stairs—

child’s magic show

May 21 gridlock

on the freeway—

the skywriting drifts

May 22 beach parking lot—

where the car door opened

a small pile of sand

May 23 clicking off the late movie . . .

the couch cushion


May 24 first cold night—

the farmhouse linoleum

worn at the sink

May 25 moving day—

the coolness on my cheek

after your kiss

May 26 deep in shadow

three generations

counting tree rings

May 27 first on the trail—

the pull of a spider’s strand

across my face

May 28 fox on the trail—

your hand held up

to my chest

May 29 my hand on your thigh . . .

from the window seat

the curve of the earth

May 30 first day of summer

a postman delivers mail

in a safari hat

May 31 from horizon to horizon the milky way

Author Bio

Michael Dylan Welch has cultivated his sense of wonder with haiku poetry since he was a teenager. His poems have appeared in hundreds of journals and anthologies in at least twenty languages. He enjoys writing essays about haiku, which have also been widely published. Michael has served the haiku community in various ways: founding, running, and helping to run organizations such as the Haiku Society of America, Haiku North America, the American Haiku Archives, National Haiku Writing Month, Haiku Northwest, and the Tanka Society of America, directing haiku retreats, publishing books and journals, and running poetry readings. Michael hopes that others, too, will catch the haiku habit. What a wonderful world!