Footsteps in the Fog

Footsteps in the Fog

Michael Dylan Welch, editor

Tanka anthology featuring 115 poems by seven San Francisco–area poets: Christopher Herold, David Rice, Pat Shelley, Dave Sutter, Kenneth Tanemura, Michael Dylan Welch, and Paul O. Williams. Edited and introduced by Michael Dylan Welch, with brief essays on tanka from each poet.

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1994, saddle-stapled, 48 pages, 5½ x 8½ inches, ISBN 1-878798-12-X

  • ”Hovering above the fog of objective and subjective concerns [in tanka] is an effable spirit, a spirit that defies description but once tasted is never forgotten. It is toward this tanka spirit that the poets in this book travel—to seek, with intuitive longing, what the masters sought.” —from the introduction by Michael Dylan Welch

  • See a review by Tom Lynch from Woodnotes #21, Summer 1994, pages 36–38, in which he says to readers intrigued by the burgeoning practice of tanka, this book is a must.