Sitting in the Sun

Sitting in the Sun: 2019 Haiku North America Anthology

Michael Dylan Welch and Crystal Simone Smith, editors

Kate MacQueen, artwork

Sitting in the Sun collects haiku and senryu by 94 attendees of the 2019 Haiku North America conference, held August 7 to 11, 2019 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This anthology also includes North Carolina–themed artwork by Kate MacQueen.

fading photo

a moment of our youth

sitting in the sun

Robin Palley

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2019, perfectbound, 64 pages, 5½ x 8½ inches, ISBN 978-1-878798-40-4

  • Sitting in the Sun celebrates the fifteenth biennial Haiku North America conference, held in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in 2019. These conferences provide an array of academic research and inspired readings and presentations, but they’re also a kind of ‘sitting on the porch a spell,’ a gathering of friends to enjoy the day, to talk about a favorite poetic subject, and to ponder—or avoid—the ups and downs that life has to offer. In the very first Haiku North America anthology in 1991, the collection’s poems were arranged by each poet’s first name, and we’ve been doing that ever since. It’s a sort of front-porch familiarity that we continue to value—and seek to promote. So please sit a spell with these poems and poets.” —adapted from the introduction

Group photo from the 2019 Haiku North America conference in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.