When Butterflies Come
First published in Woodnotes #18, Autumn 1993, page 34. I first proposed that the Haiku Society of America start publishing an annual membership anthology. Although I did not edit this first anthology, I wrote the introduction and did the book’s layout and design.
When Butterflies Come: Haiku Society of America 1993 Member’s Anthology, edited by Marlina Rinzen and Jerry Kilbride, introduced by Michael Dylan Welch. Haiku Society of America, Inc., 1993, 52 pages, paperback, 5½ by 8½ inches. $6.00 postpaid from Marlina Rinzen, 1510½ Spruce Street, Berkeley, California, 94709 [address no longer correct]. The first HSA member’s anthology, containing 143 haiku and senryu by as many poets, dedicated to the presidents of HSA during the society’s 25 years. Note that if you submitted poems to this anthology, your prepaid copy will be sent to you.
mounted butterflies
through the window
Jerry Kilbride
Ryokan’s burial place—
my friend’s flower offering
in the photograph
Marlina Rinzen