Haiku Lessons

First published in Bacopa Literary Review 2019, pages 132–133. The same issue also includes the sequences “Still I Go” and “Shēngxiào.” Originally written in April of 2013, on the road between Mt. Vernon and Everett, Washington. See also “Three Haiku Sequences,” with my commentary on this sequence that also appeared as a guest posting on 15 January 2020 on the Bacopa Literary Review Editors’ Blog.

rainy season—

an adjective noun

prepositions the noun

     midday heat—

     I verb the noun

     to verb my noun

          empty café—

          another noun

          verbing the noun

               the noun on our nouns

               gerunding when we verb—

               winter solstice

                    yard sale—

                    noun enough now

                    to verb my noun


                         the noun of nouns

                         under the noun

                              winter night—

                              fragment with verb

                              participles a noun

                                   morning haze—

                                   the adverb verbs

                                   all of my nouns

                                        summer rain—

                                        I verb my intellectualization

                                        over nouns

                                             army fatigues . . .

                                             she verbs me my noun

                                             under the metaphor

                                                  noun after noun after noun—

                                                  church bells

                                                  verb article noun



                                                       surreal noun

                                                            nature image—

                                                            my thought about it

                                                            keeps on verbing