Still I Go

First published in Bacopa Literary Review 2019, pages 16–17. The same issue also includes the sequences “Haiku Lessons” and “Shēngxiào.” Originally written in February and March of 2016. See also “Three Haiku Sequences,” with my commentary on this sequence that also appeared as a guest posting on 15 January 2020 on the Bacopa Literary Review Editors’ Blog. This sequence also appeared in 35 Tips for Writing Your Memoir in Short Stories by Kaye Linden (n.p.: 2022, pages 8–9). See also my haibun, “Rebirth.”       +

first plum blossoms—

I leave early

for the orthopedist

hints of spring . . .

at the open mike I read

a hip-hop haiku

viewing the blossoms

at the college quad—

I raise a crutch

foot surgery—

the terminal cancer patient wishes me

a speedy recovery

hospital waiting room—

too much laughter

from the other end

surgery day—

counting down

for the anesthetist

I don’t even get

to one

winter afternoon—

the list of pain meds

scarier than the surgery

spring rain—

the chafing

of my crutches

apple sauce

with pain meds . . .

high wind warning

on crutches—

still I go

to see the cherry blossoms

My “Still I Go sequence also appeared in this 2022 book by Kaye Linden, 35 Tips for Writing Your Memoir in Short Stories, available on Amazon.