Woodnotes — #24

Spring 1995

With this issue Woodnotes welcomed Kenneth Tanemura as a new associate editor, and Helen K. Davie as our new cover and interior artist. They would both continue in these roles for four issues, ending with issue #27. This issue had the greatest number of tanka yet, which was 28, including six in an innovative thematic collaboration that Kenneth Tanemura called a “triple tanka string,” for which he provided a brief introduction. The latest Gavel Award for 1994 went to June Moreau, with an appreciative write-up by Christopher Herold. This issue also featured two rengay, plus an announcement of HPNC’s new rengay contest. Another telling item in the ”Woodnotes” news section was “Haiku on the Internet,” still a bit of a novelty, announcing the “Shiki-L” online haiku discussion group, which would prove to be influential in the years ahead. Also announced was the first-ever “electronic haiku journal,” Dogwood Blossoms, edited by Gary Warner and Andreas Schöter [still available on Haiku World and archived at the Haiku Foundation]. I would also join their staff as a columnist and contributor. Another announcement was that Frogpond, the journal of the Haiku Society of America, “now has an email address,” enabling poets to submit to the journal electronically for the first time. The times were a-changin.


  • Editor: Michael Dylan Welch

  • Associate Editor: Kenneth Tanemura

  • Typesetting and layout: Michael Dylan Welch

  • Cover and interior art: Helen K. Davie

Pages 44

Haiku/Senryu 87

Tanka 28

Haibun 1

Rengay 2

Essays 1

Reports 1

Mini-Reviews 11

Editorials 1


  • “A Note from the Editors”

  • Woodnotes Award, won by Jeff Witkin

  • “1994 President’s Gavel Award to June Moreau” by Christopher Herold

  • “The Faintest Touch of It” haibun by Dick Holmes

  • Haiku and Senryu

  • “River’s Edge” rengay by Joanne Morcom and Nika

  • “Near Silence” rengay by John Stevenson and Jeff Witkin

  • Tanka

  • “The Triple Tanka String: An Introduction” essay by Kenneth Tanemura

  • “Intimations: A Triple Tanka String” by Pat Shelley, David Rice, and Kenneth Tanemura

  • Woodnotes (news)

  • Of Books and Things, with notes by Kenneth Tanemura and Michael Dylan Welch

  • Meeting Report by Pat Gallagher

Woodnotes Award

wild rose—

on the thorn’s tip

a bead of blood

Jeff Witkin

Selected Poems

little woodsflower

I almost stepped on

taller today

H. F. Noyes

votive candles—

so much movement

in the empty church

Richard Goring

after his death—

snow falling, falling

in the paperweight

Mark Arvid White