Woodnotes — #27

Winter 1995

This issue marked a significant change for Woodnotes, with my taking it over as an independent journal after this issue, making this the last issue to be published by the Haiku Poets of Northern California. Though dated as “Winter 1995,” it was not published until early February of 1996, a delay caused by this change. “A Note from the Editor” explained: “At a special meeting to discuss [the relationship between Woodnotes and HPNC] on Sunday, January 14, 1996, a majority of the members present voted to make Woodnotes an independent publication under my direction. . . . The next issue (#28) will see Woodnotes as an independent publication. This change enables HPNC to define itself more locally, and also releases Woodnotes to evolve into more of the national publication it seemed destined to become.” As a result of this transition, issue #27 was Kenneth Tanemura’s last as associate editor (he served for four issues), with Gail Sher replacing him as a new associate editor. Pat Shelley also joined as tanka editor, and Cherie Hunter Day become art editor. Their work would appear in issue #28, but they were announced in issue #27. This issue (#27) also included the last of HPNC contest results, although some HPNC news items would continue to be shared in subsequent issues. As for this issue, it featured results and commentary from the 1995 San Francisco International Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka Contest, the largest ever assemblage of tanka (including the tanka contest winners), two haibun, and an innovative solo rengay by Cherie Hunter Day (rengay had never been done solo before). A new feature that started with this issue, too, was called “Beginner’s Mind.” The previous issue had invited members to “Send the editors your story, written in a paragraph or two, about how you first became acquainted with haiku and why you were attracted to this brief poetry,” and asked people to include their first published haiku. All of this was intended to help us “get to know each other better.” Five poets responded with their origin stories. Also, the cover of this issue was one of my favourites of all issues of Woodnotes, in part because it was the only one that used two ink colours instead of just one.


  • Editor: Michael Dylan Welch

  • Associate Editor: Kenneth Tanemura

  • Typesetting and layout: Michael Dylan Welch

  • Cover and interior art: Helen K. Davie

Pages 56

Haiku/Senryu 108

Tanka 28

Haibun 2

Rengay 1

Essays 5

Reports 2

Mini-Reviews 15

Editorials 1


  • “A Note from the Editor”

  • In Memory (Wilma Erwin)

  • Woodnotes Award, won by Patricia Neubauer

  • HPNC 1995 San Francisco International Haiku, Senryu, and Tanka Contest, judged by Yvonne Hardenbrook (haiku), Christopher Herold (senryu), and Pat Shelley (tanka)

  • Haiku and Senryu

  • “Winter Trail” haibun by Donna Claire Gallagher

  • “Cotton” haibun by Charles H. Easter

  • “Night Rain” solo rengay by Cherie Hunter Day

  • Tanka

  • “Beginner’s Mind” contributions by Helen J. Sherry, Carol Conti-Entin, Gail Sher, Ce Rosenow, and Esther Bankoff

  • Woodnotes (news)

  • Of Books and Things, with notes by Michael Dylan Welch

  • Book Review by John Thompson

Paper Lantern by Donna Claire Gallagher, Lynne Leach, Zane Parks, and Tom Tico, edited by Ebba Story

  • Meeting Report by Kay F. Anderson

Woodnotes Award

toy shop window

a tiny sleigh waits

at the doll house door

Patricia Neubauer

Selected Poems

December mist

where he buried bones

burying our dog

R. A. Stefanac


the frayed shoestring


Peggy Willis Lyles

scenic viewpoint—

we gaze

into fog

Tom Lynch