Woodnotes — #28
Spring 1996
With issue #28, Woodnotes began its new life as an independent publication, no longer being published by the Haiku Poets of Northern California. In “A Note from the Editor,” I observed that “Despite a very quick deadline after issue #27 [which had been delayed], we received a record number of submissions for this issue.” The “Beginner’s Mind” column continued with four new contributions, we had a record number of five haibun (identified as “an increasing trend” in my editor’s message), and this issue’s cover was also unique, using a metallic silver ink printed on purple paper. Of particular note was Yvonne Hardenbrook’s overview essay, “Haiku in North America,” reprinted from The Study and Writing of Poetry: American Women Poets Discuss Their Craft. And with “A Pre-Electronic View of the World,” Paul O. Williams offered his thoughts on haiku in the so-called information age. Also announced in this issue was a new procedure for selecting the Woodnotes Award, which would now be chosen by the winner from the previous issue. To make this transition, even though we’d already had a Woodnotes Award in issue #27 (chosen from poems in #27), issue #28 included another Woodnotes Award chosen from issue #27, so that future issues could select the winner from the previous issue. This new process also engaged new participants in making selections. Another new development was my announcement of the “Woodnotes International Haibun Contest,” to be judged by Tom Lynch and Cor van den Heuvel. This endeavor was the first haibun contest ever to be held in English, and it resulted in the Wedge of Light anthology that I edited and published in 1999.
Editor: Michael Dylan Welch
Associate/Haibun Editor: Gail Sher
Tanka Editor: Pat Shelley
Art Editor: Cherie Hunter Day
Typesetting and layout: Michael Dylan Welch
Cover and interior art: Cherie Hunter Day
Pages 56
Haiku/Senryu 125
Tanka 14
Haibun 5
Essays 7
Reviews 2
Mini-Reviews 9
Editorials 1
“A Note from the Editor”
“Beginner’s Mind” contributions by John Sheirer, Keiko Imaoka, Jeff Witkin, and Larry Kimmel
Haiku and Senryu
“Ocean Beach” haibun by Jerry Kilbride
“Into the Snow” haibun by Carol Conti-Entin
“Mt. Esther” haibun by Tom Lynch
“Retarded Girl” haibun by Charles H. Easter
“Spring Trail” haibun by Donna Claire Gallagher
“A Favorite Haiku” commentary by H. F. Noyes
“Haiku in North America” essay by Yvonne Hardenbrook
“A Pre-Electronic View of the World” essay by Paul O. Williams
Woodnotes (news, including the Woodnotes Award, won by Peggy Willis Lyles)
Of Books and Things, with notes by Pat Shelley, Paul O. Williams, and Michael Dylan Welch
Book Reviews by Christopher Herold and Jeff Witkin
Like a Crane at Night by Gail Sher
. . . the path of the bird by vincent tripi
Woodnotes Award
Chosen by Patricia Neubauer from issue #27
the frayed shoestring
Peggy Willis Lyles
Selected Poems
for a moment
in the nearby air
the hummingbird’s eye
Paul O. Williams
John Stevenson
at the church door
a man flicks his cigarette
into the snow
John Hudak
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