Tweak at the Knees
Post date: Feb 14, 2015 6:10:20 AM
A few tweaks to this website include the addition, on the Translations page, of a link to one of my haiku translated into Akeanon—a language, also known as Aklanon, on the Filipino island of Panay. This brings the number of languages my poems have been translated into up to at least twenty. I’ve also added a new parody at the end of the Parodies, Homages, Allusions page, a poem that parodies one of my own haiku, and have added “snovernight” to the Blips page, both available through the Haiku and Senryu page. Also new is an image of the 2015 Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival bus placard on the Haiku Invitational page, available through the Digressions page, and I’ve also made a few edits to the Postscript to “A Look to the Future of Haiku in English” available on the Introductions page.