1 March 2023
What’s been happening on Graceguts? Here’s a list of all new additions during the month of February 2023, with my personal invitation for you to explore whatever might grab your fancy.
On the Stories page, where I seldom make additions, check out my new “Lexicon Unbound” short story, in which every sentence contains one invented word. This piece, originally written in 2011, was recently published in The Collidescope.
On my Woodnotes page, which was such a large addition in January 2023, I’ve now added “Woodnotes Triveni Spotlight,” which presents commentary on sixteen poems originally published by various poets in Woodnotes in the 1990s.
The Further Reading page now sports Cor van den Heuvel’s “A Concise History of Haibun in English,” also linked to from the page for Wedge of Light, the book in which this essay first appeared.
New on the Haiku and Senryu page is a listing titled “From Haiku World,” with my three poems from this 1996 anthology, a worldwide saijiki or season word almanac.
On the Poems About Haiku page, new additions are “A Notebook Is Not a Foreign Country” by Meena Alexander and “Bashō's Frog” by Marvin Bell. Also look for an anonymous “haiku” and Aaron Barry’s Bashō emojiku.
On the page for my poem “Perfection: An Ars Poetica,” available through the Poems page, I’ve added a beautiful digital broadside presentation of the poem created by Rick Lupert for my February 2023 online featured appearance in his Cobalt Poets reading series.
A new section on the Poems page is for “The Stuttering Priest,” which presents six youthful poetic indiscretions written in 1984 or earlier: “Cinquain for Introductions,” “The Scarecrow,” “Wind of Change,” “August 6,” “Things at Sunset,” and “Starving.”
On the Your Thoughts page, I’ve added a new comment at the end, by Petrina Meldrum from Adelaide, Australia, with my gratitude for these warm words—and all the other comments received over the years.
On the Videos page, look for a video of my February 2023 appearance on Tim Green’s “Rattlecast.” Live streaming starts at the 0:50 mark, and my segment runs from 8:15 to 1:31:10 or so (with further reference to my reading in some of the poems shared in the open-mic that followed).
On the Links page, I’ve added Plum Tree Tavern, an online journal in which I’m newly published, plus a link to the Internet Sacred Texts Archive.
The Digressions page now includes “Early Computer-Generated Haiku” (from 1987), and my Appearances page offers several new event listings.
In the Books section, under Seven Suns / Seven Moons, a new link points to a “Review of Seven Suns / Seven Moons” by kjmunro. This 2017 review was originally published in Haiku Canada Review, and then on the League of Canadian Poets website.
Throughout the Books page, I’ve added various quotations from Amazon reviews, such as Michael Rehling’s review of Fire in the Treetops. These quotations sometimes appear on the Books page, sometimes on the page for each individual book, or both. Please explore!