Woodnotes — #4

Winter 1990

Submissions picked up with this issue, which included 38 haiku and senryu. For issues #4, #5, and #6, Lequita Vance-Watkins prepared all the covers, supplying clipart images. Notable in issue #4 were two short essays: “The Bones of the Dead by Tom Tico and Another Article on Articles by Jane Reichhold. With this issue, poems by the editors appeared on the journal’s back cover, a practice that continued through to issue #10.


  • Editors: vincent tripi and Paul O. Williams

  • Associate editor, typesetting, and layout: Michael Dylan Welch

  • Cover art: clipart

Pages 20

Haiku/Senryu 38

Essays 7

Reports 1

Book Reviews 2

Mini-Reviews 1


And the Cat, Too by Kazuo Sato

Tidalwave by Werner Reichhold

Without Haste by Francine Porad

  • Meeting Report by Paul O. Williams

Selected Poems

my father’s winter

coats still hang

in the closet

Tom Clausen

firefly there

not there


Mary Lou Bittle-DeLapa

A wounded bird:

My hands become an empty nest

When it flies away.

James Luguri