Woodnotes — #8

Winter 1991

Woodnotes #8 announced a new HPNC anthology to acknowledge the Gulf War that started with Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in August of 1990. In addition to a generous selection of haiku and senryu, this issue continued the “Haiku Stops” column with invited commentary on a selected haiku. This issue’s major feature, though, was an interview with Jane Hirshfield by Lequita Vance. Hirshfield said that “traditional Japanese poetry is unique in its poetic strategies: the use of imagery of the natural world and fairly simple statements to embody and convey a precise instance of human experience. The feelings and situations of the poems are often deeply complex, yet they are accessible even to nonreaders of poetry because of the particular way in which they are put forth.” In addition, notes from the editors announced that Paul O. Williams was stepping down as one of the founding editors of Woodnotes.


Pages 20

Haiku/Senryu 65

Essays 2

Reports 1

Mini-Reviews 7

Editorials 2


Selected Poems


a city parking space

appears and disappears

in fog

             Marianne Monaco



as we drive past

his eyes

             Sharon Lee Shafii



pesky fly

in the polling booth

also undecided

             Ruth Holter



raking aside leaves

on the backyard pool

I release the moon

             H. F. Noyes

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