More Additions
Post date: Nov 24, 2014 9:32:43 AM
Additions keep on coming! The most recent include two sets of poems added to the Haiku and Senryu page: twelve haiku anthologized in Waverley Writers: Celebrating 25 Years, 1981–2005 (2007), and four poems anthologized in the bilingual Canadian haiku anthology Carpe Diem (2008). Also newly added are comments by Sheila Bender on a tanka of mine, “down the distant mountain,” published in her book Creative Writing DeMystified (McGraw-Hill, 2011), and two spiffy new postings on the Digressions page, one featuring my Itoen Judge’s Award haiku that appeared on thousands of cans of Itoen tea in vending machines across Japan in 2005 (complete with photos), and a second item about the best local poetry reading series I’ve even known, Waverley Writers, in Palo Alto, California, which I used to help run for several years before migrating north to the Seattle area. And for good measure, I’ve also just added a photo interpretation of one of my haiku at Dense Fog, accessible from the Haiku and Senryu and Haiga pages. I implore you to enjoy!