1 September 2022
August 2022 has been a quieter month on Graceguts, but I’ve still made the following additions.
This past month’s largest addition is “My Haiku Notebooks,” on the Digressions page, a previously unpublished description of all my haiku notebooks, dating back to 1985. Doing the math, it looks like I’ve written an average of at least one haiku or tanka every day since 1990, easily more than 10,000 poems in total, not counting many hundreds of longer poems or hundreds of verses for rengay and other linked poetry.
Also new to the Digressions page is “Visual plus Poetry plus Zines,” a summary of my ekphrastic poetry inspiration contributed to this 4Culture-funded project from 2020 delayed until 2022 because of the pandemic.
The Yosemite page, available through Books, which describes a small self-published haiku book of mine from 1988, now includes a short new postscript reporting on my recent encounter with the original journal pages from 1987 where I wrote the poems included in this book.
New to the “Neverending Story” page (available through Haiku and Senryu) is a translation of one of my haiku from The Heron’s Nest in traditional and simplified Chinese by Chen-ou Liu, plus his commentary.
I’ve updated numerous links on the Interviews page, and I’ve added a new link to my interviews with the six winners of the 2021 Haiku Invitational sponsored by the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival (2022 interviews coming soon).
The Links page now lists Trash Panda, a journal I’ve recently been published in for the first time.
On the Videos page, look for a video of me announcing the winners of the 2022 Virtual Japan Fair haiku contest, which I judged.
I’ve gone through all the subpages listed on the Introductions page to standardize and redo design elements.
New to the Blurbs page is my endorsement of Earth from the Moon: Haiku and Senryu by Judith E. P. Johnson.
And finally, on the Poems About Haiku page, look for two new poems by Tony Beyer: “About the Contributors” and “The Characters.”